As I said earlier, I like to meet people face2face. On the other hand, I like to get information on Agile. This is why I try to attend Agile conferences like ALE 2012 or smaller meetings like Scrum Days or the meetings of groups like Deutsche Scrum.
To get information on Agile there are other possibilities: You can read blogs, study all kinds of personal and commercial web sites, and attend to virtual events on the Web.
The ALE network has started to have a regular weekly virtual Open Space called xALEc every Monday evening and a web conference called ALE Bathtub Conferences every some months.
In these web events you can hear and talk about agile ideas and concepts.
Unfortunately attending such a web conference does not serve my wish to meet people face2face. So what can we do to add this local meeting aspect to the pan european web conferences?
It's easy, just sit together with some other agile people, get a projector or a big TV screen and attend the ALE Bathtub Conference in your living room.
We once did this on Dec. 6 2011, when the Scrum User Group Rhine-Neckar attended ALE Bathtub IV in Heidelberg. We have been about 5 people listening to the speakers and having discussions about the topics. It was real fun.
Now we want to invite you to do similar meetings on Tu. Nov.27 2012 when the next ALE Bathtub Conference ALEBathtub VI will be held.
Join the ALE Bathtub VI as a team and do your own ALE Bathroom Party. Stay tuned for the registration on Twitter from @bathtubconf and invite to your ALE Bathroom Party on Twitter with the #ALEBathtub tag. You may even say hello to other ALE Bathroom Parties through the web at the conference.
See you at ALEBathtub VI